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Phoenix 2000 - Things that we broke into a sweat doing

Is it a bird, is it a plane, no it's a lunatic.

Aggy lives to jump another day

Hanging out at the drop zone waiting for Aggs to fall from the sky. This dude is Jason Howarth

Raaaarrrrrr, I'm a tiger - in an Alan Partridge stylee - hah ha

Aggs, atop Camel Back Mountain

Just out of shot of this picture is the lunch that I regurgetated upon reaching the top. It nearly killed me

Aggy scores....first time for everything I suppose

Mr Coope and myself in the golf carts....there's another thing I didn't crash...let's look on the bright side huh?

Step aside Tiger Woods, the man they call Rents is gonna kick your arse! 400yds that drive went..with an 8 iron...probably

The ball would be about 4 feet to your right Darren!!! Dumb ass



Copyright 1998 - 2000 Darren Steele - All Editorial content and graphics on this site are utterly stealable for non-profit making activities.
Should someone wish to write a book about my life and loves [ or lack of them ] then contact me and I'm sure you'll find me a very easy person to deal with.

One last point, you may have noticed that this site looks very similar to
This is no accident. I utterly ripped off their site as a temporary measure.
If you happen to be a legal representative of then relax. It's only temporary, and I use Linux so bleeeaaaghhhh. Plus I've linked to your site god-damnit.