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Sunday 12th December 1999

Arrived Frankfurt on the transatlantic flight. Made the connection from Frankfurt to Ulm for the first time. Got to Ulm and grabbed a taxi.

Died in my hotel room for a few hours, went out for beers with Herr Hill, fell in love with the barmaid in Capo's and went home with Monsieur Simms who arrived from Stuttgart in a cab. Grabbed a cab and slept.

Monday 13th December 1999

Usual crowd, usual places. Nothing special.

Tuesday 14th December 1999

Kind of an odd night in so much as we were sat in Murphy's generally having a good time and chilling. If you can imagine the bar as a NESW type thing we were sat in the SE direction minding our own business. However, in the NW direction were three German teens. They were really giving me evil looks and to be honest I thought it was gonna kick off. Fortunately I was with Mark. I probably haven't mentioned Mark before but he's a very good friend and is also quite large I don't usually go so far as to request help but I did say to Mark "Look, I'm off for a pish, if they follow me then help" - to which he was most conjusive. They didn't, everything was fine

Wednesday 15th December 1999

This night I chose to have a night at home. I attempted to DeCSS Southpark which is *fackin* heeeeeeeeeelarious and just have a bit of a play around with my laptop. I also decided to reconfigure the whole 'windows' thing, but since I'm zapping the hard disk to install Linux it was a bit of a waste of time.

Thursday 16th December 1999

Contractors party night out in Ulm. Myself, Mark, Richard and Richard went dow n to Capo's for a swifty before making our way over to Enchiladas for cocktails and dinner. However, it was Capo's birthday so he had other ideas - plying us with "Jagermeister", beers and Nachos. We left and got to the restaurant where our table was waiting. Mark organised the 'do' and told everyone to RSVP. I think around twelve people RSVP'd so the table was booked for fourteen, because extra poeple *always* turn up. What happened in reality is that 18 people turned up and the restaurant was booked solid. We eventually found some extra chairs and a spare table and we all huddled together to make room.

The meal was fantastic. Copious amounts of frozen Margarita's were quaffed and some fine food was consumed. The conversation was fun but became a trifle blu rry toward the end.

After Enchiladas we all went off to Murphys where we had a bit of a giggle. Lo uise was in so we had a bit of a chat as I hadn't seen her for ages. We all dr ank a few beers and I left relatively early, maybe midnight or 1am, somewhere around there.

Friday 17th December 1999

Celebrated the start of the weekend in Ulm. It started as a night out for a fe w quiet beers.......yeah right! It ended at some undetermined time. When it e nded I seem to remember I was on my own, well Mark and Richard had left, as had the other Mark that we picked up along the way with his Irish friend. We deci ded that it was a good idea to drink cocktails. I seem to remember drinking qu ite a few. The night ended with me chatting up the transylvanian tart and maki ng a complete hash of it I might add. My parting comment went "burble burble b urble" and then I was looking at the ceiling. Yup, I'd fallen backwards off my bar stool. International Man of Mystery I am not.

Miguel and Danny [ the barmen ] helped me to my feet, and I got my jacket and l eft. Taxi home and slept a drunken sleep.



Copyright 1998 - 2000 Darren Steele - All Editorial content and graphics on this site are utterly stealable for non-profit making activities.
Should someone wish to write a book about my life and loves [ or lack of them ] then contact me and I'm sure you'll find me a very easy person to deal with.

One last point, you may have noticed that this site looks very similar to
This is no accident. I utterly ripped off their site as a temporary measure.
If you happen to be a legal representative of then relax. It's only temporary, and I use Linux so bleeeaaaghhhh. Plus I've linked to your site god-damnit.