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Battleships sunk
Posted on Wednesday, July 04 @ 16:56:11 EDT
LifeThe weekend of 29th June -> 1st July must go down as a big drinking weekend....not quite on a par with the "good" old days but still an unhealthy amount...it all started on Friday with..

Emma's father's 50th birthday party. This was taking place in Ashton and Emma and I got ourselves down there for about 7pm to pick up Emma's sister. We did so and then headed off to the boozer to drink copious amounts of alcohol.

The first problem we encountered was that there was no Stella, and the Kronenberg wasn't on - therefore I was stuck with drinking pints of Fosters for the night. What a jip. Secondly the D.J. was a complete and utter wanker. You know when you watch these programmes on TV that have cheesey DJ's that play Aga-Doo-Doo and shit like that - well this guy was the inspiration for them all I think. Anytime some woman walked into the room he felt obliged to jump on his microphone and come out with some idiotic, banal and contrite comment. The bloke was, in short, a fucking idiot. Frankly I'm surprised he didn't get battered given some of the guests that were in attendance.

Other than these minor glitches a fun night was had by all, and needless to say I wandered back to Emma's dad's house in a post drinking binge haze. Lovely.

The next day, Saturday, we began with a full English breakfast courtesy of the local cafe. Following this Emma and I had to grab some stuff from the shops. Whilst walking through the market I saw this old geezer from behind and commented to Emma about how much he looked like my grandad, but that he couldn't walk as well as that. We followed him for a while and I got another glimpse of him, this time from the side. "It is - it's my grandad" I exclaimed. I went to say hello, and stopped at the last minute, becoming convinced that it wasn't. We stalked him for a minute or so, until we positioned ourselves so that he could see us. The old chap then called "Hello Darren, what're you doing here". Funny how you don't recognise people when they're out of their natural habitats!

Emma and I had to attend a 30th party later that night so we zipped home and grabbed an hour or two of sleep before preparing for the next party. The 30th birthday party was for an old schoolfriend of mine over in Rochdale. It also coincided with some other of my friends being up from London. So before the party, Emma, myself, Jaz and Fletch, met up with George, Nigel, Claire and Becca in the "Elephant and Castle" in Bamford. We had a few drinks and then went our seperate ways. Em, Jaz, Fletch and myself to the party...the others to ummm somewhere else.

The party was pretty good but it was at Pauls house - I rarely go in for house parties myself but this was a special occasion. Plenty of alcohol, plenty of exceptionally good food and I met a bunch of people that I hadn't seen for years.

Emma and I departed at a little before midnight and got a taxi to my mothers.

On the Sunday, after bacon and egg butties, Emma and I went shopping, got home and cabbaged for a bit - utterly exhausted. Jaz happened to be driving back to London this day along the M6 and so popped by the house. Jaz and I went for a walk to "The Griffin" where he sipped Cokes and I chugged several pints of Kronenberg. Emma came and joined us for a few more drinks before we all went back to my flat [ me hammered, those two sober ] and made some food.

Jaz eventually hit the road, and I hit the bed - utterly exhausted from a 3 day drinking binge.




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"Battleships sunk" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment
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Re: Battleships sunk (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, July 06 @ 14:40:54 EDT
Well you still seem to be on the beer, well done :-)

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