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Hello new hardware - you've wrecked my system! Posted on Friday, August 17 @ 15:52:10 EDT |
Friday 17th August 2001
This may be the last entry you see on this site. This weekend I will be embarking on a severe spodding session.
Mandrake, the linux distribution that I run on this machine, have released a new and improved version. I managed to resist this for quite some time – but when you couple it with the release of 2.4.9 kernel and KDE 2.2 then it really is just too much to resist.
So my machine is being taken down, my databases backed up and the HD being reformatted. Windows is being utterly eradicated from the machine to give me a bit more HD space and the memory is being upgraded to either 256MB or hopefully, fingers crossed, 512MB. If possible I will also be adding a new 80G hard drive but this depends on whether I have an EIDE cable going spare in the machine…we will have to wait and see. The machine is a SCSI based machine which in the days when I first bought it gave a much better performance than the IDE drives, but with the onset of cheap, big, fast hard drives the time has come to switch back. So I’m assuming [ probably wrongly ] that my motherboard will have an EIDE HD connection that I can plug into. It must have…surely!!
The new memory has been kindly supplied by Kent Management for all the work/consulting I’ve done for them in the past. Jolly kind of them.
The new hard disk will be supplied courtesy of my credit card…very kind of me! Oh and I’ll also be moving from the crappy Alcatel written binary distributed ADSL binaries to the allegedly superb Benouit open source ADSL drivers. Apparently the Benouit jobbies don’t totally crash the machine when someone tries to do a big arse upload.
Anyway, enough geek talk – tonight I’m drinking with Chris, tomorrow I’m spodding on my machine.
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Playing around...ignore this!