Look at it, just look at it. See that green stuff there...I grew that. Bloody good it tasted too.
Hurrah and Huzzah!
Let's play "count the chillis". Five of them on that plant with a few more possibles on the
way. However, since they've now been moved outside...they'll probably all die. Bastard flies.
The coriander that I didn't trim for cooking has been left to grow...and just look at it!!! I believe
this may be what's known in botanical circles as "bolting". It's just 'bolted' [ hence the name I
would imagine ] straight up into the air. The coriander leaves also seem to be different. They're
more ummm whispy I suppose. I'll keep an eye on them :).
Just look at the size of that. It's hard to tell from this photograph as there's nothing in there
to give it scale, but take it from me - that pepper is about the size of a football. Yeah, right!
Here's my newly pruned tomato plants, looking rather sorry for themselves. They're about two feet
tall now and I had to prune them to encourage upward, rather than outward growth. There's still
no fruit on the plant - which is pissing me off very very sodding much.